Plumbing Services – RI Plumbing Company – Johnston From basic plumbing fixture installation to complete home or business plumbing system installation, Kwik Plumbing & Heating Company performs all types of general plumbing services for their clients throughout Rhode Island. We are licensed Master plumbers in Rhode Island and are fully insured to perform both residential and commercial plumbing jobs. Our General Plumbing Services Include:
Bathroom remodeling Drain cleaning– Snake clogged sewer lines with a drum sewer machine– Camera inspection of sewer line to locate breaks or damage to sewer lines– Sewer line locating. We send our camera into the line and can locate where we are from above ground and map out the line Domestic hot water installations and repairs– On-Demand Water Heater Installation and Repairs– Chimney vented Water Heater Gas or Oil fired– Hot Water storage tank which uses your boiler to supply the hot water New construction plumbing– Rough plumbing. This is just running the water lines and drain lines then simply stubbing out until its time for finish work.– New sewer line ran from where it enters the house through out to all fixtures including main stacks that will go through the roof providing venting
Dishwasher installations. Water and Drainage Washer Machine hook ups– Washing Machine valve for hot and cold water with hose connections and single arm shut off– Proper 2″ drain with a trap and a clean out for easy access to snake the line in case of future clogsNavien Condensing Hot Water HeaterNPE-A Series 97% Efficiency RatingSpecifications:– Energy Factor: %97– Fuel Type: Natural Gas or Propane– PVC or CPVC Venting through the side wall for air intake and exhaust– 11.1 GPM at a 35 degree temp rise– Hangs on the wall and takes up very little space– Everything is automatic and it runs very quiet3 Different Sizes:NPE-180A | 150,000 BTUNPE-210A | 180,000 BTUNPE-240A | 199,000 BTUInstall a Navien today to start saving up to 50% on your gas bill! There are other models available and we do install any type of water heater we just highly recommend the Navien . The NPE-A Series is what we recommend because it has the Highest Efficiency rating in the industry at %97 which is eligible for the $400 rebate by national grid.

We are professionals at installing and repairing these units. We are certified Navien service specialists which have been trained by the manufacturer on how to repair and install there products. We can install these high efficiency water heaters at the cheapest price in the industry which allows you to save not only on your fuel bill but also on the installation. Also receive $400 back from National Grid! Click Here to contact us right now to receive your Free Estimate you have nothing to lose but A LOT to Save!